Replace All Your Teeth in Just One Day
If you have been living with complete tooth loss or a mouth with failing, unhealthy teeth, you understand how difficult your day-to-day can be.
From eating to smiling, failing and missing teeth can impact your life. We offer a solution to those who want to replace all their teeth in the form of all on 4 dental implants in Whitby, Ontario! Some patients are qualified to receive Teeth in a Day®, which allows our dentists to place a temporary fixed bridge atop four or more dental implants the same day as surgery.
Full arch dental implants, sometimes known as “All On 4”, “Denture Implants”, or “Full Mouth Dental Implants” are able to give you a completely rejuvenated smile, allowing you to go about daily life without having to worry about your teeth.
Looking for more information about Dental Implants? Choose an experienced team that can make a difference in your smile and life!