Implant Supported Dentures: An Affordable Tooth Loss Solution

Traditional dentures are a cost-effective solution for replacing an entire arch of teeth, but as they rest on the gums, they are not particularly secure. After you lose teeth, it’s normal for jawbone resorption to occur, so the bony ridge that originally supported your real teeth starts to flatten and narrow, providing less and less support for an ordinary denture. An ordinary denture can restore your ability to smile but offers minimal biting and chewing strength, and it can soon begin to rub uncomfortably, especially as the jawbone starts to change shape. One option is to use messy and expensive denture adhesive in Ajax, but this isn’t a permanent solution. Another option is to investigate dental implants.

Why Choose Dental Implants?

Dental implants in Whitby are an advanced tooth loss solution, where implant posts made from medical grade titanium alloy or zirconia, a strong form of ceramic material, are inserted directly into the jawbone. These tiny posts replicate real tooth roots and are designed to bond or fuse strongly with the surrounding bone. This process, called Osseointegration, only takes a few months to complete, resulting in strong, stable and secure dental implants that can easily support a new dental prosthesis, for example, an implant-supported denture.

What Is an Implant-Supported Denture?

An implant-supported denture in Pickering is an affordable dental implant solution. Using as few as two or four dental implants, our skilled implant dentists can firmly secure a loose denture. Treatment is minimally invasive and can provide excellent results.

The denture has special attachments on the fitting surface, clipping onto the dental implants in the jawbone. The attachments allow you to snap the denture in and out easily, making cleaning simple and straightforward. With an implant-supported denture in Brooklin, the implants are situated towards the front of the mouth, where the bone is thicker and stronger, so there is most likely no need for bone grafting.

You can look forward to improved biting and chewing strength when you have an implant-supported denture in Courtice. Consequently, you can eat a greater range of foods, so meals are more enjoyable and potentially more nutritious. Loose dentures can make it impossible to speak clearly, but once they are secured, you can talk without fear of being misunderstood. Because the dentures clip onto the implants, they no longer rest on the gums, so there is no risk of sore spots and no need to use expensive denture adhesive. When dentures fit properly, they help to provide the correct support for the muscles in your cheeks and lips, helping to restore facial appearance.

Computerized Technology Ensures Accurate Implant Placement

Durham Dental Solutions uses the latest computerized technology to plan and place dental implants accurately. This practice ensures our patients have a more comfortable experience and quicker and smoother healing.

When you visit our practice, we take a cone beam CT scan of your jaws, producing detailed 3-D digital images. Our dentists manipulate these images to identify the best placement for each dental implant. Once the treatment plan is ready, a computer-generated implant guide is fabricated for use during your implant placement. Using the guide ensures implants are accurately placed using minimally invasive techniques. Once the implants are in place, we can provide a temporary prosthesis to wear while they heal. It might be possible to retrofit an existing denture to snap onto the dental implants. As the implants heal, any discomfort should be minimal, and you should be able to control it with over-the-counter painkillers, or we can prescribe something if needed. Of course, you can always contact our dental implant practice in Newcastle with any questions.

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