Will I Need a Bone Graft for Dental Implant Treatment?

Dental bone grafting or bone augmentation in Ajax is very common, especially before dental implant treatment. It is a process that helps ensure there is plenty of strong, healthy bone to hold dental implants in the jawbone securely. There must be a certain amount of bone surrounding dental implants as these implants gradually become fused in place. Without enough bone, there is a real risk that they could fail.

When there is plenty of healthy bone surrounding dental implants, it helps ensure implant treatment in Pickering is successful. Typically, the success rates of dental implant treatment are very high, at around 95% or more. In addition to holding the implants firmly in place, the jawbone helps support gum tissue, providing a more aesthetic treatment outcome.

A bone graft can make a massive difference to the long-term success of implant treatment. When we first see a patient at Durham Dental Solutions for a dental implant consultation, we must assess their current dental and medical health and evaluate their jawbone health. We do this by taking a cone beam CT scan, a 3-D scan that allows us to quantify your jawbone health accurately and determine if a bone graft would be necessary. The scan is also used to plan computer-guided dental implant surgery in Oshawa.

When Is a Bone Graft Needed?

When you have strong, healthy teeth, the tooth roots extend deep into the jawbone and stimulate the surrounding bone every time you bite and chew food. When you lose teeth and tooth roots are extracted, this stimulation is lost, and the jawbone begins to deteriorate and resorb. The resorption can be considerable if you lost teeth quite a while ago.

Jawbone loss can occur if you have periodontal or gum disease, a bacterial infection that frequently causes tooth loss in Newcastle. The jawbone is naturally thinner in certain areas, for example, above the upper back teeth where the sinus cavities are located. If you wish to replace these teeth with dental implants, you may need bone grafting to build up the bone.

How Does Bone Grafting Work?

Depending on the location and quantity of bone needed, there are various types of bone grafts in Brooklin. The bone grafting material can be artificial, donor bone, or taken from another site in your body. If only a small amount of bone grafting is needed, it can sometimes be placed when a tooth is removed during a socket preservation procedure. Other times, larger bone grafts may require a separate procedure and must be left to heal for several months before the implants are placed. Sinus lifts, or sinus augmentations in Bowmanville, increase the amount of healthy bone around the sinus cavities before placing implants to restore upper back teeth.

Is Bone Grafting Safe?

A dental bone graft is a very safe procedure, and every person is evaluated carefully to ensure this treatment is appropriate. Durham Dental Solutions uses the latest bone grafting techniques and is equipped with advanced technologies to ensure a more successful outcome. This often includes plasma-rich growth factors, using plasma made from a small sample of your blood, which helps speed up healing.

What to Expect After Bone Grafting?

Every precaution is taken to ensure that each bone grafting procedure is smooth and quick and that healing afterwards is faster. Afterwards, you might have some minor bruising, swelling or bleeding, and avoiding harder foods or anything crunchy or seeds that could become stuck in the surgery site may be necessary. There is no need to be concerned, as we provide lots of information before and after this treatment and are always available to talk if you are ever worried.

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