What You Should Know About IV Sedation Dentistry for Implants

Dental implants in Ajax are a popular and long-term solution for tooth loss, but a short surgical procedure is necessary to place them into the jawbone. The prospect of oral surgery can deter some patients from seeking this treatment, thus potentially missing out on gaining strong, stable teeth that could last them for life.

Sedation dentistry is an excellent way to receive oral surgery, including dental implant surgery in Oshawa, more comfortably. Durham Dental Solutions provides a range of sedation options, including IV or intravenous sedation, a deeper level of sedation ideal for anyone apprehensive about the thought of oral surgery.

Why is Intravenous Sedation a Good Option for Dental Implant Surgery?

Intravenous sedation is fast acting, as we bring in a qualified dental anesthesiologist to administer the sedative and monitor patients throughout the appointment. The biggest benefit of intravenous sedation in Bowmanville is that it offers a much deeper state of relaxation than other sedation options. Anyone who feels anxious or fearful at the thought of receiving oral surgery or even sitting in a dental chair can rest assured that they will feel entirely comfortable for the duration of treatment. Sedation dentistry can provide other benefits as the sedatives often contain an amnesiac, so once the sedative wears off, it is unlikely that you would remember anything about the treatment.

Intravenous sedation can ensure that treatment is more comfortable overall, especially for people with a strong gag reflex, as the sedative will relax this reflex. It is also a good option for anyone with a small mouth or who needs a longer dental implant procedure in Pickering. We can complete more treatment during a longer appointment than would be possible using just local anesthetic. Many people dislike having dental injections, another area where intravenous sedation can help.

What to Expect If You Opt for IV Sedation?

If you’re for intravenous sedation, you must have someone with you to take you home afterwards and look after you while you recover. You should avoid alcohol, driving, making any serious decisions or operating machinery for the next 24 hours. There is no need to be concerned because we will provide you with lots of helpful advice and full instructions before you go home.

What if I Don’t Need or Desire Intravenous Sedation?

IV sedation in Courtice is just one of the options available, so if you feel you will be comfortable with a lower level of sedation, we can tailor your appointment to meet your needs, using other treatments like nitrous oxide or oral sedatives. Many people are familiar with nitrous oxide, better known as laughing gas, where you inhale the gas through a small nose mask for the duration of treatment. It is perfect for anyone who only feels mildly anxious and wants to feel a bit more relaxed and comfortable. The gas produces feelings of relaxation and mild euphoria and takes effect within seconds.

Alternatively, oral sedation in Clarington is given in pill form shortly before your appointment, so it has time to take effect before you sit in the dental chair. It can provide a deeper level of sedation and may be combined with nitrous oxide to help ensure you feel more comfortable.

Is It Safe?

Sedation dentistry in Newcastle is very safe as we assess each patient carefully before recommending this option and take extensive precautions to keep any risks low. We continually monitor patients during and for a short while after sedation dentistry, ensuring they are safe to go home to recover. If you are ever concerned, our friendly dental team is here to help and answer any questions at any point before or after treatment.

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