Jawbone Loss, its Impact on Dental Implant Treatment and the Solution

Most people take having a healthy jawbone for granted and don’t think about the important function it performs. Your jawbone helps support your natural teeth and facial muscles, providing the structure that helps shape your facial profile. The bone is living and continually remodelling, relying on the stimulation provided by your natural tooth roots as you bite and chew food to ensure old bone cells are renewed as they die.

Tooth Loss and Its Impact on the Jawbone

If you lose natural teeth in Ajax, the stimulation is lost, greatly affecting the health of your jawbone. Without this stimulation, the jawbone starts to resorb, resulting in a loss of bone volume. The loss of volume can affect remaining natural teeth, making them more likely to move and shift out of place, becoming less stable. If you lose multiple teeth, it can greatly affect your facial appearance, and as the loss of bone volume increases over the years, it affects the overall dimension and shape of your face.

The change in dimensions can affect your jaw joints, called temporomandibular joints, resulting in the muscles and facial structures around these joints becoming inflamed, sore and painful. Not surprisingly, people who have suffered significant tooth loss in Whitby often find it difficult to eat comfortably, resulting in poorer nutrition that can, in turn, impact overall health.

Using Dental Implants to Restore Missing Teeth

Dental implants are often an excellent solution for tooth loss in Pickering, consisting of implant posts that closely replicate natural tooth roots, restoring stimulation to the jawbone and preventing bone loss. Dental implants are extremely versatile as they can replace single or multiple teeth. They are often the treatment of choice for restoring complete arches of teeth using a fixed bridge or an implant-supported denture. However, dental implants need to be surrounded by a certain amount of strong, healthy bone. If there isn’t enough healthy bone, it is harder to place the implants optimally, and it can impact treatment success.

If you lost teeth quite some time ago, you might not have enough healthy bone to place dental implants immediately. Sometimes bone loss occurs because of advanced gum disease or trauma. No matter the reason, missing bone can be replaced with a bone graft in Oshawa.

Bone Grafting

Bone grafting in Brooklin is a common procedure to ensure dental implant treatment is successful, providing excellent results and optimal aesthetics. We quantify the bone available for dental implants using a cone beam CT scan, providing detailed, high-quality 3D images of your jaws.

Our experienced dental implant dentists in Clarington can quickly identify any areas that are deficient and determine precisely how much bone is needed to restore the correct volume for implant treatment. Sometimes, when only a small amount of bone is needed, it can be placed when failing teeth are removed or while inserting a dental implant. Other times, we may get better results placing the bone as a standalone procedure. If you need a bone graft, the bone might be taken from another site in your body or will come from a donor source. Both options can be discussed in more detail as required.

Durham Dental Solutions only uses the most up-to-date and advanced bone grafting techniques to ensure the most successful results. One special technique we frequently use when performing bone grafts is plasma-rich growth factors in Courtice. The technique uses plasma taken from your blood to help speed up healing and is very effective.

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