Why Replace Missing Teeth – How Dental Implants Can Help

Missing teeth can be a severe problem. In addition to creating an unsightly gap in your mouth, it can harm your oral health in Ajax. Some of the ways missing teeth can impact your oral health include:

Affecting Your Bite

You need a complete set of teeth to ensure each remains in its proper position. When you lose teeth, your teeth can shift out of place, creating more unsightly gaps between your teeth and affecting your bite. Teeth adjacent to the gap will drift towards the space, as will teeth in the opposing arch.


When you lose multiple teeth in Pickering, your facial features can appear sunken, making you look older than your age. This is because your teeth support the facial muscles in your cheeks and lips and maintain the proper facial dimensions.

Jawbone Deterioration

Natural tooth roots help ensure your jawbone remains strong and healthy by stimulating the bone around it as you bite and chew food. However, after natural teeth are removed and without this stimulus, your jawbone soon begins to deteriorate, affecting your remaining teeth and appearance. In addition, if you wear dentures in Whitby, they become more challenging to wear comfortably as the ridge of bone that supports the denture becomes flatter and narrower.

Jaw Joint Issues

When missing teeth affect facial dimensions, they can place unwanted pressure on jaw joints and muscles. This could lead to temporomandibular joint disorder, which causes the jaw joints and muscles to become inflamed and painful.


When you have strong and healthy teeth, you take it for granted that you can eat anything you want comfortably. It’s a different story when your teeth are failing or missing, and you must stop thinking about choosing foods that are easier to chew or require minimal chewing. Limiting your diet can quickly become boring but may also mean choosing foods lacking essential nutrients, affecting your overall health. Without good nutrition in Oshawa, fighting infection and disease is harder.

How Dental Implants Can Help

Dental implants in Newcastle are frequently regarded as the gold standard for replacing missing teeth, whether missing a single or multiple teeth or needing to restore a complete arch. Consisting of a small post or screw, dental implants are implanted surgically into the jawbone during a short procedure. Once in place, the implant quickly fuses with the bone around it in just a matter of months. After healing, the implant is easily strong enough to support a new implant crown. Our dentist in Clarington can place multiple implants to support a bridge of teeth or hold a denture firmly in place.

Treatment suits anyone, provided you have good dental and medical health. We carefully assess everyone visiting Durham Dental Solutions for suitability, partly because implants have a high success rate, typically 95% or more. Nervous patients needn’t worry, as we can always discuss the option of sedation dentistry in Pickering, a solution that ensures you feel relaxed and comfortable during treatment.

When you have implant teeth, your appearance is restored, and your existing teeth are protected and prevented from moving out of place. Restoring the proper facial dimensions protects your jaw joints, and you will find eating just about anything you want easy. Dental implant crowns and bridges provide a biting strength similar to natural teeth. An implant-supported denture in Courtice offers a far greater biting strength than an ordinary denture and cannot slip or move out of place.

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